Lambing Time Checklist
Make your list and check it twice!!

- Ewe numbers with lambing dates and fetal counts, (post this in the lambing shed.)
- Shear 2-3 weeks prior to lambing.
- Worm, external parasite treatment, and vaccinations at shearing time.
- Body condition (BC) - Score all ewes 4-6 weeks prior to lambing, and adjust energy (groceries) accordingly. Overfat ewes are as big a problem as extremely thin ewes. If you have not done BC scoring,
refer to the American Sheep Industry (ASI) Production Handbook.
- Get the facilities ready prior to shearing.
- Make certain the lambing shed is cleaned well in advance to lambing.
- Make adequate stalls, (jugs - jails or whatever you want to call them). If the breeding season was short, you may want 1 stall for every 5-7 ewes.
- Lambing jugs should be at least 4 foot square, with good visibility so that you can observe the inmates.
- High phosphate fertilizer sprinkled on the floor of the
lambing jugs following cleaning will prevent the ammonia build
up in the shed.
- Equipment and supplies.
- A good coffee pot or thermos.
- A supply of frozen colostrum, preferably from one of your ewes. Freeze it by placing 4 ounces in a zip lock bag, and freeze it flat for easier thawing. Do not microwave or place in boiling water.
- Feeding tube and syringe funnel.
- Bucket for water (OB work).
- Disinfectant-detergent-lubricant for OB work.
- Plastic OB sleeves.
- Exam gloves.
- Syringes and needles.
- Antibiotics. (Keep records!)
- Record keeping system in barn - record at a minimum every 24 hours the following information.
- Number of ewes lambed.
- Ewe death loss.
- Live lambs born.
- Still born lambs.
Prepared by Cleon V. Kimberling, Gerilyn A. Parsons, Jay Parsons, and Wayne Cunningham
Optimal Livestock Services, LLC
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